“In the middle of nowhere”

The Far West Coast is also a gateway to the legendary Australian Outback and some of the most remote road trips in the country. For seemingly endless flats and the world`s largest karts landscape, this is a perfect place for adventurous motorists who are up for a challenge.

Nevertheless, the Far West of South Australia does not always look like a desert. Quite the contrary, there are some astonishing coastal delights for any beach lover. This is especially true in the Yorke and Eyre Peninsulas.

Extraordinary wildlife along the roads of Far West Coast, South Australia, showcasing the region's natural habitat
Some extraordinary wildlife can be spotted alongside the roads of the Far West Coast, SA


A fantastic place to reconnect with nature and take some quiet time is the Yorke Peninsula. Only a short distance to Adelaide, empty beaches, rugged cliffs and dense bushland are waiting to be explored at a slow pace.

In the Yorke Peninsula, farming and mining have always played an important role in everyday life but also tourism is a good source of income. Marine parks and wildlife sanctuaries are home to whales, dolphins, penguins, sea lions and the notorious ‘Great Whites‘, and those who are not afraid can dive in the deep waters of the ocean to search for them.

Stunning view of Cape Spencer near Marion Bay in Yorke Peninsula, featuring rugged cliffs and coastal beauty.
Cape Spencer walk near Marion Bay, Yorke Peninsula


  • Red Banks – walk in the footsteps of giant marsupials and discover the local mega-fauna, earth gorges, spring-fed waterholes, mallee trees
  • Spring Gully – a scenic natural park with wonderful  red stringybarks, wildflowers and orchids, native wildlife and seasonal waterfalls
  • Marion Bay – the starting point to the majority of attractions with good accommodation, facilities and activities, including fishing, camping, surfing, and bushwalking
  • Innes National Park – some of the most spectacular coastal sceneries in South Australia, campgrounds, great facilities, fishing, snorkelling, bushwalking, surfing and wildlife spotting
  • Inneston Heritage Village – learn about the mining history of Australia
Dolphin Beach, Innes National Park


From baby seals, dolphins and whales playing in the coastal waters of the Great Australian Bight to the striking red rock formations of the Gawler Ranges, the Eyre Peninsula truly is a place of adventure.

As you drive around there is so much to discover; windswept cliffs, white sand dunes, rocky bays filled coral reefs and marine life, isolated stony hills, vast gullies and ancient geological formations.

Inselberg rock formations known as Murphys Haystacks in Eyre Peninsula, an iconic geological landmark.
Murphys Haystacks are inselberg rock formations near Montana, Eyre Peninsula

Whyalla is a lovely seaside resort, situated on the east coast of the triangle, with lots of natural and purpose-built attractions.  

Port Lincoln, standing at the bottom tip of this gorgeous peninsular triangle, is the main holiday resort and the’ Seafood Capital of Australia’.

Aerial view of Port Lincoln pier in Eyre Peninsula, a key hub for seafood and marine adventures
An aerial view of the Port Lincoln pier, Eyre Peninsula

And as leaving the region, some of its most visited places will come to sight; Streaky Bay, Smokey Bay, Laura Bay, and the west coast facing the town of Ceduna – the oyster capital of Australia. Far away from bustling cities, and even big towns, the tranquil coastline is an ideal holiday location. Fishing, surfing, sailing, swimming, scuba diving and snorkelling can be enjoyed in the summertime.

Scenic Coffin Bay in Eyre Peninsula, a popular destination for water activities and marine life encounters.
Coffin Bay, Eyre Peninsula


  • Whyalla – historic sites, museums, restaurants, shops but also hiking trails, wildlife and reptile sanctuary
  • Port Lincoln – try some fresh seafood in the Australian Capital of Seafood
  • Port Lincoln National Park – huge sand dune system, panoramic views from The Monument (Stamford Hill), good facilities, camping, fishing, beachcombing, water sports, popular holiday location
  • Arno Bay, Tumby Bay, Cowell, Port Neil – perfect  summer family holiday spots
  • Coffin Bay – canoeing in the serene waters of Yangie Bay, sand dunes, lagoons, surfing, swimming, fishing, camping, marine life spotting
  • West Coast Bays Marine Park – swim with dolphins and seals (Dolphin Beach)
  • Lake Newland – extensive wetland, 20 km of saltwater lakes and freshwater springs offer an ideal environment for birdlife
  • Point Labatt Conservation Park – sea lions basking on the rocks, viewing platforms
  • Lake Gilles – unique low sandy rises, gypsum dunes and rocky hills, birdlife spotting
  • Gawler Ranges – absolutely staggering gullies, and gorges, red rock formations, great walking and 4WD tracks
  • Ceduna – Ceduna Coastal Walk (3.6 km one way), Pinky Point Lookout, Decres Bay (sea lions) Laura Bay (birdlife spotting in mangroves), Flowers Bay (whale watching Jun-Sep), Cactus Beach ( known for brilliant surf)
The West Coast Bays Marine Park is well-known for ‘swim with dolphins and seals’ adventures


Take a trip to the nearby Neptune Islands (access from Port Lincoln). The tiny archipelago is famed for some of the best Great White Shark Cage Diving, that is also regarded as South Australia`s best adventure.

The Neptune Islands offer some of the best locations for Great White shark cage diving around the globe


The Highway across the Nullarbor Plains is one of the most features drives imaginable. It ranks with the Colorado Desert in the USA – it is a similar vast landmass with minimal vegetation. Its name is derived from Latin ‘nullus’, or a zero, and ‘arbor’ means ‘tree,’ which already indicates the character of the landscape.

Expansive view of the Nullarbor Plains, representing the vast, treeless landscapes of Far West South Australia.
The Nullarbor Plains, Far West South Australia

Crossing Nullarbor is an essential experience when in South Australia. It can be quite thrilling to drive along the Eyre Highway linking the states of Western Australia and South Australia.

The road trip is perhaps on a bucket list of every Australian and a dream for many people for a number of reasons. Apart from Nullarbor being some of the most isolated regions in Australia and teeming with extraordinary wildlife and sea life, this area is a place of superlatives.

The drive includes the legendary longest straight road in Australia (between Balladonia and Caiguna, 146 km) and the world`s longest golf course (18-hole par 73 golf course is spanning along 1365 kilometres of the Eyre Highway.

Nullarbor National Park is home to the longest straight road in Australia

There are long distances between inhabited places and service stations and the daytime temperatures rise to over 40°C. This part of Australia also takes pride in the longest straight section of the railway on earth that is 478 kilometres long.

Underneath the surface of the Nullarbor, the remains of teeming billions of marine creatures have turned into the planet`s largest limestone slab. The porous nature of limestone has led to the development of blowholes and caves almost all the way across.

The Head of Bight in Nullarbor, a prime location for whale watching during the winter months.
The Head of Bight is a great place for whale watching in the wintertime


  • Nullarbor Plains (SA to WA drive) – the longest straight road in Australia, between Balladonia and Caiguna (146 km)
  • Head of Bight – whale watching (Jun-Sep), many great viewing spots and platforms overlooking the rugged coastline and large colonies of Southern Right Whales and their calves (small entry fee applies)
  • Far West Coast Marine Park – some of the top diving spots in Australia, threatened ocean species (Australian Sea Lion, Great White Shark, Sperm Whale and Southern Right Whale)
  • Yellabinna Regional Reserve – sheer wilderness, rare fauna  and flora, thrilling 4W driving spot (Googs Track)
  • Eyre Highway the world`s longest golf course (18-hole par 73 golf course is spanning along 1365 kilometres of the Eyre Highway
  • Indian-Pacific Railway – travels from Sydney to Perth on a spectacular 4352km crossing and its portion in Nullarbor is its the longest straight section of the railway on the globe – it is precisely 478 kilometres long (The ghost town Cook is the only station in Nullarbor where the train stops and the passengers can walk around and stretch their legs after a long journey).Book your ticket and experience the Indian Pacific rail journeys adventure!
The luxurious Indian-Pacific train from Sydney to Perth stops in the ghost town of Cook, near the Nullarbor Plains


If crossing the border with Western Australia, you will be asked at the Quarantine Station to leave honey, fruit, vegetable, plants, seeds, and soil. Behind if you carry any. Also, the time zone changes in Eucla by 45 min.


To enjoy the beaches and water activities, you will want to visit the coast in summer (Dec-March). However, for diving and marine life, especially the whale watching, winter is the only time you will succeed (May-Oct)

Far West Coast Marine Park is a critically important breeding and calving ground for the endangered Southern Right Whale (can be seen June-September)


The most common way to explore the Far West Coast of South Australia is safe-drive. You can start either from Adelaide or Western Australia.

Note that the Nullarbor Plains are treeless, the sun is blistering, roads are pretty straight and driving can become monotonous; this combination can easily cause a mirage – stay alert at all times and do not drive after dark!

Driving through Nullarbor can be monotonous and often cause mirage – drives should be exceptionally alert here


Fly to Adelaide. Catch a domestic flight to Port Augusta where you can rent a vehicle (4WD recommended) and drive to the desired destination.

There is a small airport in Port Lincoln, Whyalla and Ceduna if visiting for vacations.

Distances for motorists:

  • Adelaide – Yorke Peninsula (3 hrs drive)
  • Adelaide – Port Lincoln/ Eyre Peninsula (7 hrs drive)
  • Adelaide  – Ceduna (8-9 hrs drive)
  • Adelaide – Nullarbor (14-15 hrs drive)

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